by H2WaterForLife Here’s the description from the manufacturer… The most compact Molecular Hydrogen Water Generator with an Inhaler Adapter is super charged with the best Platinum coated Titanium (SPE) electrolysis Plates made today and the best DuPont Membrane (PEM) to… Read More
Molecular Hydrogen Machine
For years we have spent $50.00 a bottle for a month’s supply of Molecular Hydrogen Tablets and have been very happy with the results. Recently, we came across a new Molecular Hydrogen generating machine that costs $200.00. If the machine… Read More
Eye and Ear
Click any link to read the complete scientific research study on that topic. Wu, J., et al., Hydrogen postconditioning promotes survival of rat retinal ganglion cells against ischemia/reperfusion injury through the PI3K/Akt pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018. 495(4): p.… Read More

The Benefits of the Molecular Hydrogen in Kangen Water®
Molecular Hydrogen Research Scientist, Tyler LeBaron, explains the benefits of Hydrogen in the human body. How is molecular hydrogen (H2) the best antioxidant? H2 is the smallest antioxidant in existence. Other antioxidants such as Vitamin C or Vitamin E are… Read More

H2 (Hydrogen) Testimonial
Profoundly moving testimony by Dr. Michael McCollough, a doctor of Internal Medicine in practice in Dallas, TX, reporting on the benefits of Molecular Hydrogen water and its amazing impact on the health of one of his heart patients.

Dr. Mark Sircus – Why You Should Be Drinking Molecular Hydrogen For Your Health!
Dr. Mark Sircus joins us to talk about the benefits of consuming molecular hydrogen in your water. Hydrogen is super important to your overall health, anti aging strategy, disease prevention and so much more. You can get molecular hydrogen in… Read More

Dr. Mercola Interviews Tyler W. LeBaron About Molecular Hydrogen
Dr. Mercola talks to Tyler W. LeBaron, a renowned molecular hydrogen expert, about the possible benefits of this type of hydrogen to your well-being.

Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function in daily life
Health and a vibrant life are sought by everyone. To improve quality of life (QOL), maintain a healthy state, and prevent various diseases, evaluations of the effects of potentially QOL-increasing factors are important. Chronic oxidative stress and inflammation cause deterioration… Read More

What is Hydrogen Water and Should We be Drinking it?
Each scroll through our news-feed presents us with the opportunity to learn more about health and wellness – or so it would seem. Sifting through the noise of flat tummy teas and BPA-free eyelash extensions can be tedious and overwhelming… Read More
10 Reasons To Use Molecular Hydrogen
This newly recognized antioxidant can help with everything from aging to autoimmune disease. A few years ago, the thought of molecular hydrogen might have conjured some strange sort of superhero power. Today, this antioxidant is being touted for its power… Read More